
Showing posts from 2011

Manusia yang beruntung...

Hari ini hati aku terdetik untuk menulis mengenai persoalan kehidupan manusia didunia ini. Persoalan nya adakah aku manusia yang beruntung di dunia ini? Pada pemahaman aku, manusia yang beruntung adalah manusia seperti berikut : Hari berganti hari, ilmunya bertambah seperti orang yang menzahirkan hidupnya dengan menuntut ilmu. Beruntungnya orang yang sedemikian, kerana hati yang disuluhi ilmu akan tenteram dan mendapat keberkatan hidup. Senantiasa bersedia menghadapi mati, bagi kita yang masih belum cukup amal ini akan senantiasa takut dan mencari alasan bila maut menjemput. Ya Allah jadikan aku Insan yang mendapat kesenangan semasa dunia dan akhirat,insyaAllah .. Hati nya tenang, setiap percakapan banyak memberi nasihat, dan ilham kepada seseorang untuk berfikir akan pengakhiran hidup ini, adalah orang yang senantiasa menjadi ingatan semasa hayatnya. Namun demikian, sangat menyedihkan manusia hari ini, tidak tulus dalam memberi nasihat, lebih kepada mengenakan seseorang daripada niat ...


Ketika solat jumaat, tiba-tiba handset berbunyi menganggu konsentrasi ku dalam solat"Siapa pula yang col time macam nie, xkan xtau waktu orang solat jumaat", getus hati ku berkata. Selesai solat Jumaat, aku keluarkan telepon ada 3 miscall, the recent one is from my mothers.Terus aku call, bertanya sebab kenapa, mak beranggapan aku menelefonnya kerana terdapat 5 panggilan yang tidak terjawab.Oleh sebab yang demikian, dia menelefon aku. Perbualan kami hanya berkisar tentang bertanya khabar masing-masing. Mak mengatakan dia berpuasa pada hari tersebut, terus aku bertanya puasa sempena apa ? "Puasa bulan rejab,bulan rejab nie bulan Allah, bulan syaaban bulan Nabi Muhammad dan bulan Ramadhan bulan Umat Muhammad",ujar Ibu ku. Lantas aku meng-google fadilat berpuasa di bulan rejab : Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda; “Puasa 1 hari pada bulan Rejab seperti puasa 40 tahun dan diberi minum air dari syurga” “Puasa 1 hari pada bulan Rejab seperti mengerjakan ibadat seumurnya (sepan...

Kungfu Panda Value's

Kungfu panda is enjoyable film, we can enjoyed watching with family, full with humors,action and good value for human beings. I has watch it kungfu panda 1, but recently it comes with title Kungfu Panda 2. For those who not yet, watching this movie is encourage to do so, because it really fun and interesting. For my self, the behavior,ethics,attitudes of each characters has their own weakness and strength which we can adopt in daily life. The main characters for this movie is the Panda called 'PO' and his others friends who selected to learn kungfu from master sifu. They become famous after get opportunity to learn Kungfu because the residents has a different view and thought they are hero to saved them from others threat. Po is a big panda who has a dreams to become kungfu hustler, but his father keep pushing him to continue their business to selling noodles. But after he faced a lot of challenge and critics from his own master sifu, he become a hero to saved the resident fr...

Credit Card Issued

Credit card is one of the optional method for us to buy some goods and needs. But sometimes the over dos of usage will made us suffered and also can be declare bankrupt. National Bank of Malaysia, has a firm statistic show that main reason why people getting bankrupt due to credit card. The question is why this thing happen? Because of interest rate and others hidden charges. My friends share a few guidelines to prevent from being credit card victims, as below: Every month, please ensure to pay statement balance not the minimum amount need to paid. Don't ever used Cash Advance by using credit card.Because the interest charges is quite high. Do not simply give outsider, your credit card details such as the last 3 digit behind your card. Enclosed your credit card details . Manage your shopping behavior such as set the purposed for using credit just for Petrol and emergency used. Many of us, has their own reason why they used credit card? For me, there are few reason : For petrol use...

News Saga BLM

Last week on First quarter 2011, Proton Saga BLM 1.6 Executive has been launched with white color for auto transmission used. The Price on the road is 46+++, is quite cheap compare to others 1.6 car categories. The question is many Proton user outside there who has buy Saga FL 1.3 Executive frustrated because the price is not to much different compare to 1.6 executive. Could be this is new strategy for proton to compete compact car categories with Perodua. The body size is quite small for 1.6 engine, and normal circumstances think, it will produce better speed and save fuel consumption,although the interior and exterior is looking nice and easy for modification purposed. Others user outside there, has their own opinion about this car, but for those who like this car, welcome to BLM CLUB. The facts is I'm also used BLM , so far the performance and handling is quite good for average user. Only us can give feedback and comment for better improvement for Proton car achievement.


Yesterday night, I has gain some valuable entity,ethics and feel surprised because someone out there has an answer for a question which i thinking for couple of times. This question has been issued by one of my ex-house mate whereby he ask about justice as human being in this life. Why there has a person born in poor family and there are so desperate to continue their life and achieve their ambitions for better living in their own world. Besides, a rich man,talented person and lucky person has different of way in order to achieve their goals, because generally they doesn't have to try hard to achieve something due to their background environment. In another words,the way their achieve the goals is smooth without any obstacles come arise. The question is why there has differentiate about the faith of human being. The answer comes from one things that happen to one ordinary people who is black man living in America. He become a legend because he is the first black people who ...

Kisah Iktibar

Saman menyaman adalah satu perkara yang banyak berlaku pada hari ini, termasuklah aku yang secara tidak langsung terlibat dalam perkara ini. Persoalan yang timbul sejauh manakah kebenaran yang timbul dan kejujuran yang diantara kedua pihak yang terlibat. Namun, apa yang cuba disampaikan disini, apa yang perlu kita ketahui sekiranya perkara ini berlaku. Dipendekkan cerita,aku adalah tuan punya kenderaan motorsikal yang terlibat dalam satu kemalangan. Abang aku yang menunggang motorsikal tersebut telah dilanggar dari belakang sebelah kanan oleh seorang individu yang juga penunggang motorsikal. Kes ini telah diklasifikasikan sebagai kecuaian pihak berkenaan, namun mereka mengfailkan saman kepada kami. Sekarang masih dalam perbicaraan,yang mana jelas ada pihak ketiga yang ingin meneguk di air yang keruh. Apa yang ingin disampaikan kepada pembaca sekalian, pastikan kenderaan anda senantiasa lengkap dengan cukai jalan dan insuran bagi membendung perkara yang tidak diingini dari be...